This assignment didn't really focus on photography,
but rather focused on each individual’s artistic sense. The assignment was to
print two copies of a photo we've taken sized 8 x 10, and then use small tubes
of paint to color the black and white image in. We used cotton balls and q-tips
to smear the SMALL AMOUNT of paint on the subject (we had to use a small amount
because using too much would make the image look extremely artificial). This
task was quite difficult for me, as I am not such an artistic person when
it comes to paints or watercolors. It sure took me a long time to hand color
this image, experiencing some difficulties as I went along. For example, I
could never get the skin tone correct, and my paint layer kept going uneven as
I tried to smooth it out (just shows how inartistic I am!). However, as I kept
going, hand coloring this and that, I managed to get a hang of what I was doing
and finish coloring the baby and the mother in the foreground. The background,
however, I did not have enough time to do, as I spent so long trying to perfect
the foreground.
This image was taken on a hot Sunday afternoon in KLCC, perfect for families to spend days out together.
The original image :
The hand colored image:
am more proud of the following photo than I am of the mother and her baby. I
think, for me, coloring in the mother and the baby were a bit of practice,
warming me up for the real task. I eventually got the hand of it in the mother
and baby photo, and applied those skills in the photo below. I did not take
this image; my photography teacher Mr. Paul Ubl, but I hand colored it. This
image was taken in the jungles of Malaysia, and, according to my photography
teacher, this home was the only one visible in the area - the rest was all
trees and forests. I think the image is really nice hand colored, as I used
different shades of green to color in the trees, making it a lot less dull. I
also colored in tiny little details, such as the yellow mud boots and the tiny
bushes on the side of the rock. I also colored each individual plant pot.
Overall, this image is a lot more 'finished' than my other one, as everything
has a tinge of paint on it. I am really proud of this photo, and wish I could
say all credits go to me.
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