For this assignment, we were required to shoot pictures containing texture (a photo with no central focus, which usually consists of micro images), balance (having more than one subject in the photo), leading lines (lines in the photo that leads to the subject), and natural frame (when your subject is framed by natural objects).
1) Texture
This image is a picture of a big leaf planted at school. I really enjoyed shooting texture photos, because there were several opportunities for getting the perfect shot (there are so many places to shoot texture on campus). Plus, no matter how your photo was shot, the end result is always beautiful.
2) Balance
This picture is of my friend and I right before after school sports. This image actually didn't require much editing or cause me any trouble. It was easy for me to develop, as the lighting was nearly perfect, and I only needed two test strips until I decided that it was nice. This was the only photo in our composition assignment that was easy to produce, as all of my other pictures had lighting that was difficult to work with.
3) Leading Lines
This is an image of my friend, who is casually relaxing at school on her phone. She is leaning on a bar, which is leading up to her, thus creating a leading lines image. While exposing this image in the developing process, I had to burn the subject and the field, so the hallway can remain exposed (making it darker). I encountered many problems in this image, for example, the lighting was different in different places, so it was difficult for me to keep the lighting consistent. However, I managed to fix everything and pull it all together.
4) Natural Frame
This image is of my friend fooling around, posing for the camera from the inside of a children's playground tunnel. She is framed by the circle from the tunnel that she is in. This image was very difficult to work with, as the top left and bottom left corners were too bright. I had tried to increase the time, and dodge everything except for the corners so that the corners could get darker, without affecting the rest of the image. It still turned out extremely bright, so I resulted to burning the corners on photoshop. My original test strips are shown below.
Overall, this assignment was fun to shoot because I got to experience and play with new elements of photography.